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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What features do your custom golf cart peel and stick solar charging systems offer that makes then stand out from other golf cart charging systems?
Our complete Peel and Stick Solar Charging Systems are manufactured in the USA! We try to educate folk’s everyday when dealing solar and wind energy.
Certainly watts are important in determining the difference in those types of competitor products, but means little to our Peel and Stick Technology.
One has to consider we are not comparing apples to apples. We have come up with a simple and understandable scenario for you to evaluate.
Before we begin with this answer a short statement must be made about efficiency. Some of these folks claim high wattage and higher efficiency in order to sell their products.
All solar units, excluding our Peel and Stick, in high temperatures as we have in the south lose 50% of their wattage and all that is advertised to come with it.
Next one crack in a diode, your complete panel is of no value. One cloud comes over the efficiency means nothing.
Having made these statements let us present this question to you. If the glass/plastic type Mono, Crystalline, Combo type products must face the sun to gain peek
energy and that peek time is 5 hours per day, given the best day, lots of sun, and their unit produces 3 amps during those energy draws, doesn't that equal to 15 amps
per day going into your batteries? Now on the other hand, our Peel and Stick Units work on light, drawing energy from day light until dark, and our unit is producing 3 amps,
3 X 30 equals 30 amps per day. Whose unit produces the most amps per day into your batteries? Then think about this, on days when our competitor units can draw no sun energy,
on a rainy day, a snowy day, under trees, how can amps be produced?
- Installs in 20 minutes and they are made in the USA
- Does Not Have to face the south to produce amps, takes in light from three directions
- Does Not Depend on short Peak Sun Hours to produce amps
- Does Not have to be tilted 45 degrees toward the equator to absorb peak sun
- Does not lose 50% of the Watts, as does Crystalline or Poly Crystalline Panels due to heat. The closer to the equator (higher temperatures) the less amps, the closer to the North (Colder Weather) more amps-The amps posted on the technical information written on our web sites are based on Central USA and may vary according to temperature.
- Does not necessitate the removal of your existing top
- Works on light from sunup to sundown
- Works in Rainy Cloudy Days
- Works in Snow Weather-Snow produces light -light through our panels produce amps
- Works if cut or damaged with sharp objects
- Works both in non use and while driving
If a competitor type product gets damaged or cracks because of rocky areas, rocks, golf balls is just one small area of the top, the complete tops must be thrown away. The US Army has shot 50 caliber holes through our peel and stick solar panels. They keep working.
2. What makes your golf cart peel and stick solar charging system work and how does Thin Film Amorphous Silicon Solar work?
By having the ability to lay down three separate layers of amorphous silicon, each tuned to a different frequency of sunlight. This created a cell with three active semiconductor layers, called a “triple-junction” cell. The top active layer in a triple-junction cell captures a portion of the solar spectrum, and the remaining sunlight penetrates to the second layer, which captures another part of the solar spectrum, and likewise for the third and final layer. As a result, the cell converts more of the solar spectrum into electricity, achieving higher conversion efficiency.
3. Explain the economical benefits of your peel and stick solar charging systems?
Purchase one of our solar charging systems with our Limited Special Introductory Price, rebates, tax credits, yearly battery maintenance
and battery life extension write off when solar is supplied. Bottom-line, with this special offer, a Solar Charging System that, well it turns out your unit is – NET FREE!
- Cost of the complete charging system is 40 to 50% less than competitors products:
- Cost to hire someone else to install the system is eliminated
- Cost in the future to repair or replace is eliminated
- Cost of purchasing batteries at least by enhancing battery life by two years
- The expected life span of the solar tops is over twenty years.
- Ships right to your door by UPS
4. Are your golf cart peel and stick solar charging systems only available for 2 passenger golf carts or can they be used on any size passenger or utility golf cart?
Our Peel and Stick Solar Charging Systems can be used on any golf cart, utility cart, boats, RV's, camps, any place there is a need for producing energy.
5. Can your peel and stick solar charging systems be used on any golf cart make, model or year?
Yes, all makes and models. The peel and stick solar charging systems work based on square inches of surface.
6. Tell us about the durability of your peel and stick solar golf cart charging systems. Do your peel and stick solar charging systems come with any type of warranty?
All peel and stick solar charging systems come with a 3-year manufactures warranty. Expected life span is 20 years.
7. Can a golf cart owner install the peel and stick solar charging systems themselves or does it need to be done by a golf cart repair shop?
Installation is fairly simple and can be done by a customer right at home. We do recommend having a one helper to help set the panel square on the roof. You can view a complete installation video on our web site. Wiring instructions, which are plug and play, can be viewed on the front page of our web site.
8. Do you have your controller manufactured to match the need of the 15-volt Peel and Stick System?
Yes, Just as important is our solar Peel and Stick Solar Tops are our special built controllers. Many have tried to duplicate our systems utilizing other controllers and have not received the same positive results. Most small controllers over 12 volts are not even waterproof. Our controllers are simple to operate, pre wired for easy connect, and water proof.
9. How does the Thin Film Amorphous Silicon Solar System help keep our environment clean?
According the EPA, “For every 1.0 kilowatts of electricity generated by solar power, nearly 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) Using solar power rather than fossil fuel power on the golf cart reduces the CO2 released into the air by 452 pounds per year.”
10. Can your peel and stick solar charging systems be installed in any other manner?
Absolutely! You can Velcro the units. You can snap the units. Many of the tops on golf carts are not flat in some areas. We have learned over the years there are two reasons you may want to snap or Velcro or snap and Velcro along with your peel and stick.
11. Has your product been recognized by the golfing industry?
Yes, Our Thin Film Amorphous Silicon Solar System was chosen as one of the “Best New Products of the Year” at the PGA Convention, Orlando, FL, 2009. In addition view our testimonial section, which includes a PGA Pro Golf Cart Test.
12. How does the Thin Film Amorphous Silicon Solar System help keep our environment clean?
According the EPA, “For every 1.0 kilowatts of electricity generated by solar power, nearly 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) Using solar power rather than fossil fuel power on the golf cart reduces the CO2 released into the air by 452 pounds per year.”
13. If a person is interested in ordering peel and stick solar charging systems or becoming a stocking dealer what's the best way to contact your company? Do you have a set procedure for becoming an active dealer?
Yes. If you are interested in becoming a stocking dealer the application form will need to be filled out online. You will receive an email attachment with our (NDA) Non Disclosure Agreement. You will need to sign and fax to our office. In addition attached to the same email you will receive the wholesale order form. We suggest the 37.2 X 48 Peel and Stick System to show your customers. All orders must be signed, and faxed back in. Shipments of orders vary.
On some occasions orders can be received within 4 weeks. For the first order of the stocking dealers allow approximately six to eight weeks. Once you are established, you will know when to order to keep your supplies on hand. Please read your dealer application before submitting.
We prefer potential customers and potential dealers to fill out our contact form on www.peelandsticksolarenergy.com web site. On this contact form a question is ask of you to let us know if you are interested in purchasing the system or becoming a dealer. This will give us a good understanding of what you are looking for when we call you back. Callbacks are generally 24 hours.
We offer other environmental products and opportunities on the same web site.