Strike-Hold Products
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Be sure to read the testimonials at the bottom of this page!
Strike-Hold® (CLP)
is a true multi-function product that cleans, lubricates, protects, demoisturizes and conditions. |
Strike-Hold® is a fast acting penetrant that immediately cuts through dirt, rust, carbon, and scale to quickly get into metal parts that have become frozen by or encrusted with corrosion and oxidation. This product provides a long-lasting dry lubricant, which reduces friction and will not build up or become brittle. As a demoisturant, Strike-Hold® helps dry out wet electrical gears and other water sensitive parts. As a protectant, this product provides a shield-like film against the effects of moisture and corrosion, even against salt water, while actually REPELLING SAND, DIRT AND DUST. Strike-Hold® contains no CFCs or other ozone depleting substances. Strike-Hold® is non-flammable and very safe to use as directed.
Strike-Hold® is a highly penetrating mobile liquid and is intended for field application to satisfy the complete need of cleaning, lubricating, and long-term preservation of both small and large caliber weapons. Strike-Hold® facilitates the effective removal of firing residues, gums, and other contaminants from weapon components, while at the same time providing adequate lubrication and long-term preservation for reliable, durable operation in all climatic conditions.
Strike-Hold® has an extremely high dielectric strength and will actually improve electrical performance by cleaning and protecting contacts and internal parts, including circuitry and connections. This product will not harm commonly associated materials, such as rubber, most plastics, and wood finishes.
Strike-Hold® is highly effective for all marine applications, vehicles, R/V's and trailers. It quickly penetrates and removes existing rust and corrosion from all metal surfaces, while a dry lubricating protective shield remains that will significantly reduce wear and malfunction caused by friction and the damaging effects of moisture. Strike-Hold® will not harm rubber, paint or most plastics and will not wash off with water, even salt water! Highly rusted and/or frozen bolts are loosened quickly and easily. Use it on anything subject to rust and corrosion, including all your marine hardware & fittings, rigging, electrical and navigational equipment & connections, engines, trailer wiring and lighting.
Strike-Hold® brand DEGREASER
Strike-Hold® brand DEGREASER is an economical, but powerful concentrated degreaser that provides the grease and grime removal properties of a solvent cleaner yet is water-based and therefore much easier and safer to use than harsh solvents. DEGREASER is strong, yet gentle on the hands. In addition, this formulation is scientifically controlled to be extremely powerful, nontoxic and biodegradable. It is economical and provides a safe, fast cleaning action that can be sprayed or mopped on surfaces and simply wiped off for most application situations.
Why is DEGREASER better than other degreasing products I have seen?
- Extremely versatile
- Eliminates duplicate products
- Concentrated
- Cost-effective
- Free-rinsing
- Nonflammable
- Biodegradable
- Pleasant scent
Military Testimonials
SPECIAL NOTE: All specific references (names, units, location, weapon types, etc.) have been removed from this section in support of national security.
I was a small Arms Master Gunner for 2/502 and 2nd BDE, 101st Airborne Div. You gave us a demonstration of strike-Hold...just prior to the divisions deployment in 2003. We were so impressed that we purchased quite a bit. the stuff is liquid gold and we used it almost exclusively for the 1st 6 months in [Iraq]. When the divisions deployment was extended to 13 months the supply dried up really fast because anyone who had any left hoarded it and sprayed down their weapons when no one else was around. When I returned [to Ft. Drum] I recommended Strike-Hold to all of the grunts and S-4's I trained. thank you for a number one product that relaly made life easier for the 101st grunts in Iraq. I will continue to recommend Strike-Hodl to all fellow shooters. ----Paul Marns, SFC, IN (Ret)
3/7/2009 I used Strike-Hold II overseas to clean my crew served weapons, this stuff is awesome. Even in a dirty, crappy environment my weapons were the cleanest and smoothest of all the theater. ...I used it every day of my deployment. ---Duane Oliver (upon returning from overseas deployment)
1/16/2009 As a member of the 82nd ABN DIV reconaissance Team I had the opportunity to put Strike-Hold CLP to the test dring the early phases of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Strike-Hold's performance exceeded all of expectations. I used Strike-Hold on my M4 carbine and M240B Machine Gun, while I used a military issue lube on my MK19 Automatic Grenade Launcher. All 3 weapons went with me through hundreds of missions in a variety of conditions and I got to see the first hand difference in performance between the different lubricants. After going corss-country thgough the desert dirt and dust, the wepon with the standard military issue "wet lube" was compeltely caked with dirt and dust. The dirt would absorb the lube and turn into a thick sludge. The weapon still functioned but daily cleaning and maintenance was a nightmare. The weapons maintained with Strike-Hold never got more than a light covering of dust, which would get entirely blown away when the weapon was fired. The "dry-lube" (Strike-Hold) repelled the dust and kept the weapons adequately lubricated. I have never had a single failure to fire, or malfunction with with the M4 or the 240B. I continue to use Strike-Hold for all my wepaons, and I encourage others to do so as well. ---SGT ***
Your product gave us more confidence that our assigned weapon would not fail when we needed it. the traditional Army CLP just jammed up our weapons like wet-sandpaper on our bolts. We spent a lot of time driving through moon-dust (worse than sand because it is finer and billows up much easier). All our weapons would get dirty as hell. Strike-Hold prevented that moon-dust from clinging to the working parts of our weapons much better than the traditional [Army issue] CLP. Not to mention, when it came time to clean those suckers up after a long day of patrol, Strike-Hold made it a snap...which meant my guys were able to get more needed rack time. ---Mortar Platoon Leader and Rifle Platoon Leader with 2-27th IN "Wolfhounds", 3rd BDE/25th ID (in Iraq last year)
It's the strength in folks like you that hold us together at times, not to mention the cool kick-a** cans of STRIKE-HOLD that you sent us!!! Thank you from the Soldiers of the 101st airborne Division AIR ASSAULT!
...Now that the dust storms have picked up, I'll be using [Strike-Hold] religiously. Two soldiers eyes lit up when I told them I had the Strike-Hold...they had already heard about your product! ---CPT ***, 101st ABN (Air Assault)
5/14/2008 I'm a gunner now in Iraq. I found a bottle and used it on all my weapons. My weapons collected less dust and charged like butter all week. In any group of Soldiers I come across cleaning their weapons, strikehold is mentioned or recommended within 5min. I'm impressed. Thanks for your support to US servicemembers. We appreciate it. ---CPT*** (FORSCOM)
A week ago I thought I had cleaned my .45...I bought Stirke-Hold at a gun show in Knoxville last Sunday [then] I cleaned my gun again and couldn't beleive the dirt I got out of the barrel and cylinder! Good Stuff. -----B. Johnson, Tennessee
As the Range Master for Venice Police Dept. I believe in [Strike-Hold] and have seen a reduction in dry firearms, lock backs and other malfunctions from oil issues... I believe it is a step backwards to use Hoppes#9 and gun oil. I have used Strike-Hold on S & W 5906, Glock 23, Armalite .223 rifles, Rock River .223 rifles, Bushmaster .223 rifles and Colt 9MM Carbines, and malfunctions went to ZERO. -----Sgt Joe Whitehead, Venice Police Dept. (florida)
Posted online on Red Power Magazine Forum by "Bill in NC":
We evaluated [Strike-Hold] in a high humidity experiment and found it to be significantly better than WD-40. One of our salesmen is a gun collector and told us about [Strike-Hold] and how the troops in Iraq are buying it on their own to use on their guns. ..it protects, lubricates and does not attract dust, which is a big deal in Iraq and Afghanistan. We use it on our electric motors.
Commercial Testimonials
We recently began using Strike-Hold to treat the throwing plates on our sporting clays traps. Prior to Strike-Hold the clay from the targets would build up to a point it would begin to start breaking the targets. No longer, the Strike-Hold provides a surface treatment that has prevented most of this build-up. In addition, we use it to lubricate several pivot points on the equipment and the longevity is much better than used previsouly. ---Gary Cox, Gas-N-Go Oil Co.
This stuff [Strike-Hold] really works! Bought a can with skepticism and low expectations. Then my 12 year old daughter dropped her expensive cell phone in the swimming pool. I remembered this stuff I bought.. Well, I sprayed it in the cell phone and left it for a few days to dry thoroughly. We replaced the battery and the phone was as good as new. Pretty cool. ---Louis
I had a part in my workshop that the 1/8th inch bolt in it was frozen in its nut. I had been putting WD40 in it every week or so for the last 2 months. Each time I would try to unscrew it, no movement. Last week I was cleaning one of my pistols with Strike-Hold and before I put the can away I decided to give the bolt and nut a squirt. the next evening when I went to the shop I gave her another squirt and tried it with a screwdriver and pliers. THERE WAS MOVEMENT! It came loose! Strike-Hold had loosened a bolt that I had almost given up on. Keep on putting Strike-Hodl in the hands of shooters...it really works! ---Jim Moffatt "The Best Times"
Several years ago I saw your demo at the Farm Expo and bought a can of Strike-Hold and put some on several padlocks that are outside in the weather. FOUR YEARS later the locks open like brand new! Nothing else I tried lasted a month! Thanks for a great product. ---Dennis Fish
[Strike-Hold] is awesome and I have been testing it on Harleys, ATVs, fishing, sailing and go-fast boats. Also, my brother, Tim (Handy-Smith Handyman SVC) in Las Vegas usses it for hourehold repairs. Strike-Hold is why they call him "angel with a toolbelt". I KNOW I'll never touch WD-40 again! -----Scott Smith, boater Talk Radio broadcast host, FOX Sports Radio 1460 KENO, Las Vegas
A week ago I thought I had cleaned my .45...I bought Stirke-Hold at a gun show in Knoxville last Sunday [then] I cleaned my gun again and couldn't beleive the dirt I got out of the barrel and cylinder! Good Stuff. -----B. Johnson, Tennessee
As the Range Master for Venice Police Dept. I believe in [Strike-Hold] and have seen a reduction in dry firearms, lock backs and other malfunctions from oil issues... I believe it is a step backwards to use Hoppes#9 and gun oil. I have used Strike-Hold on S&W 5906, Glock 23, Armalite .223 rifles, Rock River .223 rifles, Bushmaster .223 rifles and Colt 9MM Carbines, and malfunctions went to ZERO. -----Sgt Joe Whitehead, Venice Police Dept. (florida)